Our Roblox Bomb Simulator Codes has the most up-to-date list of codes that you can redeem for some free pets. These codes will allow you to upgrade your weaponry faster in the game and have you destroying bombs much faster! Bomb simulator new roblox.
Jul 1st, 2017
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Startersteal Roblox Download Games
ROBLOX, free and safe download. ROBLOX latest version: An innovative creation platform. Roblox mixes fantastic and massively multiplayer online games, ranking itself as an innovative cr.
- Download the place template and starter place below open them in studio.
- Upload the template place to roblox first, and make sure the game is inactive.
- Then, when you are in the starter place, navigate to MainScript and set template to the place id of the template place you just uploaded to roblox.
- [WARNING]: Do not modify the starter or template place in any way besides setting template id. Modifying properties such as FilteringEnabled will break the game, so keep it off.
- Save and upload the starter place, but make sure this one is active.
- After you make the places, go to your configuration and turn on both In-Game permission settings and click save. Make sure you do this for both places.
- Make sure you save all changes.
- At this point, you should have two places uploaded to roblox with ONLY the Starter Place active. The template place doesn't have to be playable.
- Once you are this far, go to the Starter place and click Configure Game. Navigate to Places and click Add Place. Find the template place, and add it.
- Go to a game you want to steal, then copy/download the place steal file below, and paste it into your exploit.
- Set gameId in either the saveinstance function or map steal script to the starter place id.
- Execute script. If you are using the saveinstance func, type _G.SaveInstance(instancehere) to save, and when you're done type _G.finish()
- If you are using the place steal script, you will be teleported to the game immediately.
- When you're in the game, type a name you want into the gui and click Save. You will be teleported to another place, while this time the game saves itself.
- The game will tell you to open studio. Locate the placeid the message gave you and Edit the game. Once you do, execute the union fix and load script in the studio command bar (if you have a decompiler). They can be found in the studio explorer under LOAD SCRIPTS and FIX UNIONS.
- That's it! You never have to go through this process again! From now on, you can just execute the script and you're set.
- Scripts/Templates: BUG FIXES COMING SOON
- DL: http://www.filedropper.com/startersteal
- VT: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/98228..498930942/
- DL: http://www.filedropper.com/templatesteal
- VT: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/78106..498931157/
- Place stealer script (execute this to save the map)
- --end of settings
- ['Ambient'] = 'Color3Value',
- ['ColorShift_Bottom'] = 'Color3Value',
- ['FogColor'] = 'Color3Value',
- ['FogStart'] = 'StringValue',
- ['GlobalShadows'] = 'BoolValue',
- ['OutdoorAmbient'] = 'Color3Value',
- ['ShadowColor'] = 'Color3Value',
- }
- ['AutoJumpEnabled'] = 'BoolValue',
- ['CameraMinZoomDistance'] = 'StringValue',
- ['DevCameraOcclusionMode'] = 'StringValue',
- ['DevComputerCameraMovementMode'] = 'StringValue',
- ['DevTouchCameraMovementMode'] = 'StringValue',
- ['EnableMouseLockOption'] = 'BoolValue',
- ['LoadCharacterAppearance'] = 'BoolValue',
- }
- ['FilteringEnabled'] = 'BoolValue',
- }
- function makePropertyValues(tablepls, servicepls)
- local servprops = Instance.new('Folder', mainFolder)
- for i,v in pairs(tablepls) do
- meme.Name = i
- meme.Value = tostring(game:GetService(servicepls)[i])
- meme.Value = game:GetService(servicepls)[i]
- end
- function createFolderWithParts(serv)
- fold.Name = serv.ClassName
- if game:GetService'Players':GetPlayerFromCharacter(v) then return end
- if v:IsA'Terrain' then
- d:Clone().Parent = fold
- return
- v:Clone().Parent = fold
- end
- function screwYouArchivable(same)
- same.Archivable = true
- for i,v in pairs(same:GetChildren()) do
- end
- function checkScript(inst)
- if inst:IsA'LocalScript' or inst:IsA'ModuleScript' then
- local valuecount = 1
- local sadmeme = tostring(decompile(inst))
- local kek = Instance.new('StringValue', inst)
- kek.Value = string.sub(sadmeme,count,count + 99999)
- valuecount = valuecount + 1
- until string.sub(sadmeme,count,count + 99999) '
- end
- checkScript(v)
- end
- mainFolder.Name = 'Place'
- for i,v in pairs(game:GetChildren()) do
- end
- local nilf = Instance.new('Folder', mainFolder)
- for i,v in pairs(getnilinstances()) do
- pcall(function()
- v:Clone().Parent = nilf
- end
- checkScript(mainFolder)
- terraind.Name = 'TerrainData'
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass'Terrain':CopyRegion(workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass'Terrain'.MaxExtents).Parent = terraind
- makePropertyValues(StarterProp, 'StarterPlayer')
- game:GetService'TeleportService':SetTeleportSetting('SaveInstanceData', mainFolder)
- game:GetService'TeleportService':Teleport(gameId)
- SaveInstance function (execute this if you want to save specific objects ONLY)
- gameId = 1337 --your place here
- function _G.SaveInstance(instancememe)
- if game:GetService'TeleportService':GetTeleportSetting'SaveInstanceData' nil then
- dat.Name = 'Instance'
- game:GetService'TeleportService':SetTeleportSetting('SaveInstanceData', dat)
- if instancememe ~= nil then
Startersteal Roblox Download Game
RAW Paste Data
Startersteal Roblox Download Exploit
Jun 4th, 2017
Not a member of Pastebin yet?Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
- Basic Saveinstance Script Thing (Of Doom)
- Instructions (ProtoSmasher stores Saveinstanced things in its files. In 'workspace' then go to 'saved'.):
- 2. Open Roblox studio and open an empty place
- 3. Right click on something like Workspace or Lighting and click Insert from File..
- 4. Locate where the saveinstanced file is (should be a .rbxm) and open it using Roblox Studio
- 5. Let it load, and then the File (named Stolen Goods) should be in the game, with all the stolen contents inside
- credits (yes im that petty):
- MagicFriggus#6024 - gay sex and tester
- local placeholder =false
- holder.Name ='Stolen Goods'
- s_workspace.Parent = holder
- local s_playergui = Instance.new('Folder')
- s_playergui.Name ='PlayerGui'
- s_startergui.Parent = holder
- local s_repstorage = Instance.new('Folder')
- s_repstorage.Name ='ReplicatedStorage'
- s_starterpack.Parent = holder
- local s_lighting = Instance.new('Folder')
- s_lighting.Name ='Lighting'
- if v:IsA('Terrain')then
- placeholder =true
- v:Clone()
- end
- for i,v inpairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:GetChildren())do
- v.Parent = s_playergui
- for i,v inpairs(game.StarterGui:GetChildren())do
- v.Parent = s_startergui
- for i,v inpairs(game.ReplicatedStorage:GetChildren())do
- v.Parent = s_repstorage
- for i,v inpairs(game.StarterPack:GetChildren())do
- v.Parent = s_starterpack
- for i,v inpairs(game.Lighting:GetChildren())do
- print('i cant copy myself silly dumbo')
- else
- v.Parent = s_lighting
- end
- saveinstance(game.Lighting:FindFirstChild('Stolen Goods'),'test2')